Scary Islamic Facts and Jinn Tales Revealed

Scary Islamic Facts and Jinn - Welcome, dear readers, to a journey through the mysterious realms of Islamic facts and the enigmatic world of jinn. As the sun sets and shadows grow long, we invite you to join us in unravelling tales that send shivers down the spine and awaken the curious souls within us. In the heart of ancient legends and whispered stories, we discover the chilling truths that have been passed down through generations. There's a certain magic in exploring the unknown, in embracing the goosebumps that dance upon our skin when we hear something truly terrifying. 

So, gather around, for we are about delve deep into the spine-chilling secrets of the jinn. Brace yourselves; it's going to be a journey filled with intrigue, wonder, and just a hint of fear.

Scary Islamic Facts and Jinn Tales Revealed

Scary Islamic Facts and Jinn Tales Revealed

1. You die every time you sleep.
2. Jinn's eat like humans but instead of Fresh Food they prefer rotten flesh and bones.

3. Don't let your kids play outside after Maghrib, it's when the Jinn's came out to play and if you step on one it can posses your child.

4. The Angel Israfil's  are on the trumpet that announces the day of judgement, he is only waiting for Allah SWT's command.

5. You can only see a jinn if a jinn wants you to see them.

6. Never undress in front of a mirror, a jinn will fall in love with you.

7. The angel of death visit you five times a day.

8. According to one Hadith if a stone is thrown into hell it would take 70 years before it hits the bottom.

9. Jinn can posses you much easier at night.

10. If dog is barking at night it means that it saw something you can't see.

11. Always same Bismillah before pouring hot water down the drain or on the floor because jinn's are known to live in such a places.

12. There is a jinn called (al kaboos)  that attacks you in your (sleep paralysis).

13. Not only humans but also Jinn fast in the month of Ramadan.

14. Did you know jinn's can communicate with humans.

15. You should never cry in the toilet you might get possessed by a jinn.

16. The barrier between our world and Jinn's world is weakest at night so you better go to sleep or an  jinn will knock on your door the next 5 minutes.
17. You should never visit forest and beaches at night that's where the most of the jinn's hunt for the prey.

Also read-  50 Intriguingly Creepy Facts That Will Send Chills Down Your Spine

When Jinn Fall in Love With Humans (Reasons)-

1. Wearing strong perfume at night.

2. Loitering uninhabited quite places or near trees.

3. Singing something that sounds beautiful specially near the trees.

4. Going out and cover at night (for women)
5. Staying impure (not having a proper bath).

6. Crying in bathroom cause the jinn's to get attracted to your voice and fall in love.

Jinn Fact - Signs there is a Jinn in your House -

1. The Jinn playing with electricity.

2. The smell of burning matches frequently shivering or the hair on your skin stand up (this is likely where the jinn is sitting).

3. Hearing voices of the people in your household but no one actually there.

4. Different color steam in the house / the windows and glasses.

5. The household waking up regularly with nightmare's (especially the children).


ayatul kursi for protection from jinn

As we draw the curtains on this spine-tingling exploration of Islamic facts and the mysterious realm of jinn, we hope you've found yourself both fascinated and slightly on edge. Delving into the unknown is a journey that never truly ends; there are always more stories to be told, more secrets to be uncovered. If you relished this dive into the supernatural, we have a treat for you. Subscribe to our newsletter, your portal to a world of captivating stories, informative tidbits, and exciting updates. By subscribing, you'll be the first to know about our latest discoveries, engaging articles, and exclusive content that will keep you hooked. Don't miss out on the chance to stay connected with the intriguing world of facts and mysteries. Subscribe now and let the adventure continue!

Thank you for joining us on this captivating odyssey. Until next time, may your curiosity never wane and your thirst for knowledge never be quenched. Happy reading! 🌟

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